Test your barcode scanner - European Medicines Verification System (EMVS)
Most handheld barcode scanners connect to computers via USB ports or Bluetooth. They pretend to be keyboards. If there is any disagreement between the barcode scanner and your computer about your keyboard layout, the characters in a Unique Identifier may not be reported correctly.
The EMVS depends on accurate and reliable reporting of the data in each Unique Identifier. If anything goes wrong, the EMVS may decide this is suspicious and generate a 'false-positive' alert. Each alert has to be investigated by the drug manufacturer, causing unnecessary cost and effort.
False-positive alerts waste time and money and undermine confidence in the system. It is important that you ensure that your barcode scanner and computer can read Unique Identifiers reliably and accurately.
The Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) mandates the unique identification of medicinal product packs. EU Delegated Regulation 2016/161 mandates the uses of Data Matrix (DataMatrix) EC200 barcodes for serialised packs. Most European packs encode data using GS1 standards and AIs. However, some German packs are serialised using IFA standards (PPNs).
The following NMVO organisations support European national medicine verification